Thursday, November 11, 2010


I'm sort of at a terrible panicking point with my dissertation, realizing my visual piece may not be feasible after numerous failed experiments.

I decided to distract myself with a relevant documentary called Collapse.
It is a frank and rather cynical interview with ex-cop/investigative journalist who is a very interesting and intense character. He discusses our deeply rooted dependence on oil (and the dwindling supply), money being the root of all evil, also being the key factor in human extinction, religion, methods of sustainability and so on and so on. The third segment is the best, particularly this bit:
"I.. I need to cut, I need to cut, I need to cut.. I’m just having a real powerful wave of emotion right now, because I .. a whole newrealization is opening to me about what I’m actually saying and this is some serious fucking shit so I gotta get my head around it for a second...... fuck. Ehem. K I’m ready."

I think it absolutely deserves your attention.

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