Tuesday, July 31, 2012


My mother reminded me this morning that the thing about artists & designers is that they are constantly making. From the frequency of my blog posts, it looks like I'm not upholding that aspect of my profession. I thought I had better do some catch up, and post the mini projects, half ideas and little bits that have accumulated since I've been home. The first of these being the redesign of our salad & food signs at work (a vegetarian health food type resto). Currently, they are hand scrawled by whomever with whatever colourful markers we have laying about. No consistency, and moderately 'hokey.' So far the designs haven't made it beyond the sketching stage. I've tested a few colours, to see if they mesh with a pencil-drawn design, but I still need to go over the sketching in illustrator to see if that approach is more suitable. Have a look...

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