Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Alright, I'm going to rant a little. But let me preface this by saying, I love my tutor group! They are such a supportive bunch who really nothing more than to help. They're all such interesting people!

We presented our work to our tutor group yesterday. Which, for the first time, I was excited to do. As you can probably tell, I am ridiculously into the music publication Emilia and I are working on. It has been a pretty tough term for me, I haven't made the best choices in projects and been unhappy with every outcome. I have to agree with what Will has been feeling, this year has been absolutely deflating. Most people I've spoken to are feeling the same and wishing we received some slices of positive reinforcement every once in awhile.

I really feel like I've been busting my balls the last couple weeks, to generate content and produce things for the music publication. I've felt supremely good about what I've accomplished. However, after the presentation I kind of felt like it wasn't adequate enough and I just can't win. I know Rathna has the best intentions and is pushing us because she wants us to rock this year. You really need tough skin to be in this design business. I'm getting there, but still quite easy disheartened.

Emile sent me the most encouraging message yesterday. He, along with Emilia, and others I spoke to, reminded me that I need to ignore the negative and keep pressing on because I am loving what I'm doing, and it's obvious. I am confident about the outcome. It's hard not to be concerned with marks, but my priority is having something in my portfolio that I am proud of.

The way I deal with stress is baking. So today I went on a baking spree. The mango ones with mango coconut cream cheese icing are pretty stellar. The cherry in the chocolate ones is a bit weak.

----Rant over ----

I've got some old negatives I just had a spare moment to scan
(coachella scene/1 DAY BRIEF with our tutor group/music publication adventures)

A photo of Emilia, pre-interview.

One day brief photos turned out a bit pants. : ( Not sure what's up with the strange wavy green light. The first one is horizontally backwards also. Oops. It was a great day though. We all worked HARD. It was great that a few of us went out for drinks afterwards to wind down from the manic day.

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