Friday, January 14, 2011


The set brief I am currently working on is about comparing different countries via proverbs. It was difficult to shift into work mode after my brain's month-long vacation, particularly while dealing with gnarly sleep patterns. The ideas are still flowing, but the execution process is suffering. I chose the topic 'nature' (big surprise) and collected as many proverbs as possible from a wide range of cultures to produce an info graphic/map of the functions of each aspect of nature. I sort of arranged it onto an octaglobe. Still playing with the placement of the information and quick renderings of the icons to see how it looks.

My other concept was to use a natural history display case for each idioms (or one per country) with these in mind:

Below is the version I took to the crit. The feedback was that I had too many styles going on with the various illustrations and no one really recognized the shape as being a tree stump. The leaf was a last minute add on, and to be honest I wasn't all that pleased with it either. I think it was all I could muster during the readjusting back to Uni. I'm not sure I really want to go back and redesign it, but rather move on to the next project.

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