Monday, October 27, 2008

walk + draw + freeze

Today our group started the 2 week London project unit. Our first day was a walk + draw along the river Thames. We considered it a nice day for the task, but as we left Uni, we realized it was bitter and cold outside.

Zoe freezing. Hannah and I learned quickly that drawing was impossible whilst walking.

Hannah's drawing was pretty good for sketching while on the move.

We wondered what was happening, so we wandered over.
Apparently it was a Sugababe! My first celeb sighting.
Hannah and I decided to be tourists...
Lucy and Hannah doing some sketches with frozen fingers.

A homeless man's dog... poor pooch.
Tate Modern museum
Inside the Tate Modern
Some strange giant spider display

My drawing of Hannah's lunch.

Some other sketches from the day.

The last drawing of the day.

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