Saturday, October 11, 2008


This was a very busy week! My first week of Uni has flown by. I discovered I'm in group C and all my established friends are in other groups, which makes me a bit sad! I have no idea, aside from a girl I was talking to at the afternoon soiree yesterday, who is in my group. I guess I will see on Tuesday. I have Monday off! I believe they must have planned this to give me the Canadian holiday (Thanksgiving) free.

Most of this week was spent doing housekeeping at school - getting set up in the library for logging on to that system, doing the same for the computer labs, etc. Friday was our last day of information lectures, where we heard from our Context teacher. I now understand that Context is about writing and marrying that with graphics, so naturally I'm quite excited about this, as it's right up my alley.

We had this lecture at the Transport Museum in Covent Garden so we were able to wandering the museum after the talk.

So here we all are squeezing through the entrance to the museum bit.

Emilia playing the "calculate your future" game, which always provided the same outcome....

This diagram showed us how long it would take the general population to start doing things we should already be doing, for example: "in 2051, 80% of us will use bicycles as our mode of transport"

Yunnie and Emilia taking the bus for a spin.
The interactive tube knowledge game..

Emilia claiming her trophy after kicking my behind.

Giant 3D map of the city of London

Room full of graphics - artists versions of tube maps and transport graphics.
The evolution of the train station
Sherlock tile, which was actually in one of the underground stations at one point.. I was too hungry at this point to absorb any info and my camera battery was dying.
Never too old to play dress up in smelly museum attire
The talking horses in the carriage room were a highlight.
Keeping it real.

We spent a bit of time in the gift shop, since there was a remarkable amount of items in there. Lots of kids stuff! I was investigating games for Ivan, but he's far from that stage yet....

After our museum meander, we had some time to kill before the "meet the 2nd years" party back at school. We were starved so we went into some pavilion to find a cafe.

There was a nice Mediterranean resto in a courtyard so we ate lunch there. I had a soya hot chocolate that smell (and tasted) like rubber.. hmmm??

My camera died so I didn't get any pics of the party, but it was fun! Lots of slide shows, bad music and beer/cider.

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