Sunday, November 23, 2008


Just thought I would share my idiotic near death experience with you, incase like me, you are unaware of the dangers of electrical appliances.

After having 2 fridges in my flat for weeks and being unable to find the plug for the old fridge (located somewhere behind the counter - or so I thought), I decided to cut the power cord with scissors.

I had no idea of the risk I was taking until a flame shot out of the cord and I lost power. Scary stuff. I flipped the breaker back on, not realizing I had a live wire sticking out from behind the new fridge. I rang the electrician emergency hotline, who was very discouraging after the fellow called me crazy under his breath. Apparently even the fire department in London was amazed I didn't receive a massive shock or electrocute myself.

Anyway, thanks to my family's aid and discovering the outlet buried at the back of the inside a cupboard, I was able to remove the wire (with the breaker turned OFF). Let my stupidity be a lesson kids!!!

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