Friday, November 21, 2008


Projects have been pretty dismal lately.. the last was an essay comparing the MMR science hoax to Andy Warhol's Marilyn Munroe silkscreen print... doesn't make for interesting blog postings.

We had Typography this week. We were each given a font and we had to create something based on that font's personality/essence.

My font was "Gotham" which was born in 2002, so it was relatively new (and difficult to find). Gotham was inspired by signage, so I decided to build my own sign... and make it light up.
For those who know me, realize I have no technical skills as far as construction goes, but I went with it anyway.

Lots of time consuming measuring and tracing...

Exacto knives are dangerous kids!! Elastics are holding the walls in place while the glue dries.

3/4 letters built.

Spray painted.. remember to let dry fully before turning over and doing the other side.. otherwise they get sticky and paint comes off..

Def. needs another coat, sadly I ran out of paint and it was too late!

Ta da!!!

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