Sunday, September 28, 2014


This was my favourite part of our trip. The excitement, the car snacks and the range of topography — mountains, dunes (or giant sand mountains), an escarpment, expansive vineyards, cliffs and ocean — It was really hard not to pull over every 5 minutes as a new scenic view appeared behind the twists and bends. The sun was setting just as arrived in San Fran, and the dude on the bridge holding a heart was just too perfect. 

Highlights: The little car that could (but wanted to die), Califia Farms iced almond milk latte/mocha, More Wholefoods donuts, An Australian's 1st drive in 2 years, GPS navigational deceit, the gas station domestic (overheard), so much mist.  

Here is a little excerpt of our drive. We were listening to Little Comets at the time, so I included the audio but didn't ask their permission. Hope they don't mind! 

Final note: if you get the chance to try this iced coffee (below), DO IT! It's amazing. If only we stocked this in Canada. Sad times. 

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