Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Bless the RGD (the Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario). As a current freelancer, searching for full-time work, I am vehemently curious about the conditions within the design industry here in Canada. The RGD has (literally) just posted the results of their Creative Earners Survey (download it here). I encourage you to have a read! This is what surprised me.

Forgive me RGD if I am not allowed to share this document with the rest of the interweb.
But I wasn't not expecting that the majority of people employed are in For Profit Organizations.

Another subject of interest is freelancing rates. I was shocked by the current rates, and how little I've been acquiring in my experience as a freelancer.

In this document there is a lot of concern expressed for the future of Graphic Design as a profession. It seems many are finding it difficult to attain (or sustain) employment, noting the necessity for knowledge of digital/interactive practices to stay relevant in the industry. It is comforting to know I'm not the only one struggling, and considering expanding my education to fulfil the requirements for current design opportunities.

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