Wednesday, March 3, 2010

No excuses, no more monotonous conversing!

For the latest project, we have been asked to rewrite/redesign a previous brief we worked on. I chose the "R-Kive your music" brief because I wanted to use music in the next graphic outcome. My idea comes from my own disappointment in having really lame conversations with people who either a) are dull or b) can't be bothered to make an effort. Particularly because those who know me, know I love to ask (mostly unmethodical) questions. I decided to make it easy for people to engage in thought-provoking dialogue by throwing a bunch of random questions generated by various artists lyrics.

I combed through my music library and wrote down and questions that popped up that would be relevant to inciting a verbal exchange. I generally make little notes on my hand to remind myself of things.. and I know this is pretty common.. so I thought why not use that technique in the outcome. I jotted down the quotes on my hand/arm, in different coloured ink (artists were colour coded) and photographed the lyrics on my blackberry. The concept would be to either download these questions from a website.. or text "lyrics" to a number as many times as number of lyric images you would like sent in return. This would make it very accessible in transit and also on the sly, no one would know where you were generating such stimulating material.

It was something I just sort of threw myself into, out of idea desperation. But you can see the images of lyrics below.

I've since photographed a proper final outcome:

My other idea for this project was to create a newspaper insert so you could pretend you were reading the paper whilst you scanned a fake newspaper page loaded with questions at your disposal. It sort of sprung from an article I read about a BBC research study that discovered London has been rated as the loneliest city in the UK consistently for the past 40 years. So here is my somewhat hideous phony newspaper spread below:

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