Sunday, September 18, 2011


OKAY friends. I am terrible sorry for the long pause in posting. I have accomplished a move, accumulating a part-time job (and as of Friday, two), a two-week internship, as well as a design job (website). That's my brief update. I have been working for the gig promotion company Pull Up The Roots/Electroacoustic Club, doing box office/gig rep work. I absolutely love it.

I have a method that I employ to gauge whether the artist/band is good. If I feel compelled/inspired to doodle whilst listening, then I can affirm they're awesome. I've begun collecting the doodles and now have a bit of a shrine in my new flat.

The "Friendship is free" sign I can't take credit for. It was on display with Otis Gibbs' merchandise. That man is hilarious.

And while I'm on the subject of work, here are a few samples of some of the people that I've enjoyed. I really need to start recording these...

I also love this film/music by the guy who also does box office stuff at Pull Up The Roots.

The fellow also happens to be one of the friendliest (and charming) blokes I've encountered at work.